
  1. Earth

    Pumping carbon dioxide deep underground may trigger earthquakes

    Injecting carbon dioxide deep underground offers a promising way to curb global warming, but the extra pressure may cause faults to slip or fractures to release the buried gas.

  2. Climate

    Galápagos waters preview future for corals

    Posthumous analysis of Galápagos coral reefs reveals how climate change, carbon dioxide and pollution could kill off reefs worldwide by 2050.

  3. Climate

    Stalled global warming linked to North American drought

    Strong Pacific Ocean winds blamed for the global warming hiatus also boosted the odds of severe drought in the southwestern United States.

  4. Climate

    ‘Storm Surge’ revisits Sandy, looks to future hurricanes

    Superstorm Sandy deluged New York City and could be a harbinger of future coastal flooding.

  5. Oceans


    Readers discuss oil spills, the dangers of fracking and what teams need to succeed on long space missions.

  6. Ecosystems

    Lessons for the new year

    SN Editor in Chief, Eva Emerson, reflects on looking to nature for insights on how to constructively look ahead - even if just a year -drawing from a handful of this issues natural science stories for her 2015 resolutions.

  7. Environment

    Trash researcher tallies ocean pollution

    Marcus Eriksen has always had a thing for trash, and now he tallies ocean pollution.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Online favorites of 2014

    Science News' website traffic reveals the most-read news stories and blog posts of 2014.

  9. Animals

    Lucky break documents warbler tornado warning

    Warblers fitted with data collecting devices for other reasons reveal early and extreme measures when dodging April’s tornado outbreak.

  10. Earth

    South Napa earthquake revived bone-dry streams

    The South Napa earthquake freed groundwater trapped in nearby hills, revitalizing previously dry streams.

  11. Environment

    Air pollution linked to autism

    Air pollution may double a pregnant woman's risk of having a child with autism, a new study suggests.

  12. Climate

    Super typhoon shoved supersized boulder

    Typhoon Haiyan pushed a 180-ton boulder, the most massive rock ever seen moved by a storm.
