
  1. Cosmology

    Slow, cold start to universe suggested

    By allowing particle masses to change, a new theory suggests how the universe could have arisen without a Big Bang.

  2. Cosmology

    New supernova spotted in nearby galaxy

    The galaxy M82 has given off a brilliant flash, which astronomers have confirmed as a type 1a supernova.

  3. Cosmology

    Filament of cosmic web set aglow

    Astronomers say they have glimpsed a brightly lit strand of the cosmic web, the universe’s underlying structure

  4. Cosmology

    From Dust to Life

    In about 300 pages, this book sums up the history of all that matters — or at least everything made of matter — from the Big Bang to life on Earth.

  5. Astronomy

    Enormous cosmic lens magnifies supernova

    Galaxy warps light of distant exploding star, greatly increasing its brightness.

  6. Astronomy

    Relic of early universe found nearby

    A galaxy little changed since the dawn of the universe shows up in our celestial neighborhood.

  7. Cosmology

    Best maps of the universe, bugs and all

    Maps from the European Space Agency’s Planck satellite reveal the cosmos in a range of microwave and infrared frequencies.

  8. Cosmology

    Year in Review: Dark energy gets more confusing

    New data raise the prospect of a ‘Big Rip’ destroying the cosmos.

  9. Cosmology

    Year in Review: Planck refines cosmic history

    The satellite data hint at a slower expansion rate for universe.

  10. Cosmology

    Cosmic inflation has its flaws, but so do its critics

    Philosophical predispositions color efforts to debunk a popular theory about the evolution of the universe.

  11. Astronomy

    Bright gamma-ray burst tests idea of event’s origins

    High-energy light particles suggest that physicists need to revise their theories explaining the origin of these cosmic blasts.

  12. Astronomy

    High-energy neutrinos ensnared from beyond the solar system

    Speedy particles detected in Antarctica may point to gargantuan black holes or cataclysmic explosions.
