
  1. Computing

    App could cut jet lag short

    A new app calculates lighting schedules to help travelers adjust quickly to new time zones.

  2. Computing

    A tale of touching tubes

    Mathematicians solve the challenge of putting seven cylinders in contact without using their ends.

  3. Computing

    Materials’ light tricks may soon extend to doing math

    A simulation paves the way toward metamaterials that can perform ultrafast complex mathematical operations using light waves.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Forecasting system predicts peaks in flu outbreaks

    A real-time forecasting system has accurately predicted the peak flu cases up to nine weeks before the outbreak.

  5. Computing

    Fastest supercomputers

    The new list of the world’s fastest computers, now in its 20th year, has China’s Tianhe-2 on top with a processing speed of 33.9 petaflops — or quadrillions of calculations per second.

  6. Physics

    Single atoms hold on to information

    Minutes-long data storage by individual atoms beats previous record of tiny fraction of a second.

  7. Tech

    Memory upgrade

    The demands of modern computing call for a seismic shift in data storage and retrieval.

  8. Computing

    Forecasting by computer

    Excerpt from the August 10, 1963, issue of Science News Letter.

  9. Computing

    When trolls come out from under their bridges, it’s bad news for scientific discourse

  10. Tech

    The 3-D Printing Revolution

    Using a technique known as 3-D printing, regular people can now make goods typically produced in huge quantities in factories overseas.

  11. Math

    Maybe there’s a way to find out if reality is a computer simulation


  12. Tech

    Bacterial trick keeps robots in sync

    Communicating information about the environment allows a stumbling machine to rejoin its group.
