
  1. Climate

    Cultivation changed monsoon in Asia

    The loss of forests in India, China during the 1700s led to a decline in monsoon precipitation.

  2. Earth

    Federal budget’s new ‘black book’

    The administration details a proposed $17 billion in budget savings in a new book.

  3. Health & Medicine

    Science budgets look rosy, AAAS finds

    The president and Congress have collaborated in targeting substantial increases for federal investments in R&D this year.

  4. Climate

    On federal science — and science spending

    Things you might have gleaned at the AAAS Forum on Science and Technology Policy.

  5. Earth

    A limit for carbon emissions: 1 trillion metric tons

    To reduce risks of severe damage from climate change, humans should burn no more than 1 trillion tons of carbon in total, researchers suggest.

  6. Physics

    Obama pledges 3 percent of GDP for research

    Pledges for big budget increases for research, permanent tax credits for reseach by industry and more were announced today.

  7. Climate

    EPA says greenhouse gases ‘endanger’ health

    Featured blog: New ruling is a likely first step toward federal moves to cut tailpipe emissions of carbon dioxide and more.

  8. Tech

    Urban Heat: Recycling waste heat

    In the United States, only about one-eighth of the fuel people burn is converted into useful work. Recycling such wasted heat could be one of the best solutions to problems posted by growing cities.

  9. Climate

    CO2 Rising: The World’s Greatest Environmental Challenge by Tyler Volk

  10. Climate

    Chinese carbon dioxide emissions eclipse efficiency gains

    A boost in manufacturing and construction in China led to an increase in carbon dioxide emissions that outstripped any gains from increased energy efficiency.

  11. Physics

    Science Stimulus

    Researchers look to the new administration to bring fresh perspectives to health, energy, climate policy and science funding.

  12. Climate

    Obama’s budget would boost science

    Featured blog: Here's a preview of what science programs the Obama administration plans to push in the coming year's federal budget.
