
  1. Climate

    Carbon emissions: Trend improves, but …

    Sometimes what’s bad for the economy can be good for the planet. Or so argued Lester Brown, president of Earth Policy Institute, yesterday. This environmental trend spotter pointed to several developments that may have escaped our attention as the global economy alternately sputtered and entered periods of freefall throughout the past 18 months. Trend one: U.S. emissions of carbon dioxide, a leading greenhouse gas, have taken a tumble.

  2. Climate

    Giant snakes warming to U.S. climes

    Some were pets whose bodies and appetites apparently got too big for their owners to support. Most are probably descendants of released pets. Today, thousands of really big non-native snakes — we’re talking boa constrictors, anacondas and pythons — slither wild in southern Florida. And there’s nothing holding them in the Sunshine State. Which is why a report that was released today contends they pose moderate to high ecological threats to states on three U.S. coasts. Indeed, the homelands of these snakes share climatic features with large portions of the United States — territory currently inhabited by some 120 million Americans. Based on comparisons of the temperatures, rainfall and land cover found in the snakes’ native range, it’s possible that these slithering behemoths could stake claims to territory as far north as coastal Delaware and Oregon.

  3. Ecosystems

    As climate shifts, birds follow

    Most of the birds in California’s Sierra Nevada range are on the move in response to recent climate changes.

  4. Earth

    Unusual advances

    New glacier model helps explain how ice masses can grow even in a generally warming climate.

  5. Earth

    Cash for clunkers II: Appliances

    States could soon roll out programs that help consumers replace energy hogging home appliances.

  6. Earth

    A source of haze

    Scientists identify how a hydrocarbon commonly emitted by plants is converted to light-scattering aerosols.

  7. Science & Society

    News of science: Choose wisely

    As the 'news' industry evolves, consumers who value quality science journalism may need to become ever more discriminating.

  8. Ecosystems

    Churning the numbers

    Some of the ocean’s small swimmers may be having a big impact on ocean mixing.

  9. Chemistry

    CO2 sponge

    Macromolecule that was accidentally discovered seems to trap carbon dioxide from the air.

  10. Earth

    A hundred new nukes?

    Here are some issues to contemplate while deciding whether to welcome the nuclear-power renaissance that Sen. Alexander has just proposed.

  11. Earth

    Signs of ancient sea ice

    New analyses of Arctic seafloor sediments suggest floating ice debuted in the ocean at least 47.5 million years ago.

  12. Earth

    Ozone hole trims polar water’s CO2-absorbing power

    Simulations also suggest that the dearth of ozone over Antarctica leads to ocean acidification. Simulations also suggest that the dearth of ozone over Antarctica leads to ocean acidification
