
  1. Climate

    Ocean bacteria may have shut off ancient global warming

    Ocean-dwelling bacteria may have helped end global warming 56 million years ago by gobbling up carbon from the CO2-laden atmosphere.

  2. Climate

    IPCC calls for swift switch to alternative power

    Rapid adoption of green power production will be necessary to avert a climate crisis, latest IPCC report says.

  3. Climate

    World unprepared for changing climate, IPCC says

    The latest intergovernmental report says planetwide impacts continue.

  4. Paleontology

    Microbes indicted in ancient mass extinction

    About 252 million years ago an estimated 96 percent of all species were wiped from Earth, and now scientists have a new suspect in the killing — methane-belching microbes.

  5. Animals

    As their homes warm, salamanders shrink

    Many species of salamanders respond to climate change by getting smaller.

  6. Climate

    Natural climate shifts affect sea level rise

    A recent dip in the rate of sea level rise may be due to natural climate variability.

  7. Climate

    Kangaroo gut microbes make eco-friendly farts

    Understanding kangaroos’ low-methane flatulence could help researchers lower greenhouse gas emissions from livestock.

  8. Climate

    Climate change may spread Lyme disease

    The territory of the ticks that transmit Lyme disease is growing as the climate warms.

  9. Earth

    How the Chicxulub impact made acid rain

    Using lasers to accelerate materials to asteroid-like impact velocities, scientists have shown how the Chicxulub asteroid impact, which happened roughly 65 million years ago, could have created a mass extinction in the oceans.

  10. Climate

    Warm, wet weather may have helped Genghis Khan rule

    Mild, wet weather — not drought — may have helped Genghis Khan expand the Mongolian empire to the largest in human history.

  11. Climate

    Cloudy forecast

    Over decades climatologists have grown more confident in their projections of the future impact of greenhouse gas emissions. But whether shifts in cloudiness will amplify global warming continues to vex researchers.

  12. Climate

    Extreme heat on the rise

    Recent years saw an increase in peak high temperatures on land despite Earth’s stalled averages.
