
  1. Climate

    Rain slows whipping hurricane winds

    Taking raindrop drag into account — which may slow hurricane winds by as much as 30 percent — could help improve hurricane forecasts.

  2. Climate

    Winter storms 24 times as deadly as estimated

    By ignoring car and plane crashes related to bad weather, U.S. tallies of winter storm deadliness severely underestimate hazard.

  3. Paleontology

    Rise of East African Plateau dated by whale fossil

    A whale fossil is helping to pinpoint when the East African Plateau started to rise and how the uplift played a role in human evolution, scientists say.

  4. Climate

    Arctic warming bolsters summer heat waves

    Sagging storms brought on by rapid Arctic warming worsen summertime heat waves across the Northern Hemisphere.

  5. Animals

    Insects may undermine trees’ ability to store carbon

    Insects eat more leaves on trees grown in carbon dioxide-rich environments than those grown without the extra CO2. That may undermine forests as carbon sinks in the future.

  6. Earth

    Volcanic lightning forges tiny glass balls from airborne ash

    The lightning that crackles through volcanic plumes can melt ash into tiny glass beads.

  7. Plants

    Plant growth patterns changing on much of Earth’s surface

    More than half of Earth’s land surface has seen major changes in factors such as leaf-on date and how much vegetation grows in a season.

  8. Climate

    Coastal Los Angeles losing fog to urban sprawl

    Fog in parts of Southern California has become significantly less frequent due to urban warming.

  9. Climate

    Scientists confirm amassing CO2 heats Earth’s surface

    Rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide increase the amount of thermal radiation striking Earth’s surface.

  10. Oceans

    On East Coast, sea levels lean southward

    On North America’s East Coast, sea levels tilt slightly downward to the north, new research finds.

  11. Climate

    Worst drought in a millennium predicted for central and southwest U.S.

    Comparing reconstructions of past drought conditions with models of future dryness shows that the Central Plains and Southwest U.S. will become the driest in a millennium.

  12. Climate

    Artificial fixes for climate change nixed — for now

    Experts says schemes to manually adjust the world’s climate are not ready for use, but should be studied just in case.
