
  1. Climate

    Iceless Arctic summers now expected by 2050s

    The Arctic Ocean will have its first ice-free summer in the 2050s, nine years earlier than previously forecast, according to improved simulations.

  2. Climate

    Desert dig uncovers caches of missing CO2

    Irrigation water may wash significant amounts of carbon into groundwater systems beneath Earth’s deserts, researchers propose.

  3. Neuroscience

    Global warming unpaused, how space affects the brain and more reader feedback

    A reader shares a story about Stephen Jay Gould, while others discuss how to protect the brain from radiation in space and whether 2014 was the hottest year on record.

  4. Paleontology

    Sudden heat spikes did in Ice Age’s mammoth mammals

    Abrupt warming and excessive hunting by ancient humans were responsible for the disappearance of many large mammals, including woolly mammoths, during Earth’s last glacial period.

  5. Animals

    Sea level rise threatens sea turtles

    Sea level rise is causing coastal areas to be inundated with water. Even short periods of being wet can kill sea turtle eggs, a new study finds.

  6. Climate

    Carbon dating may soon lead to mismatches

    Carbon released from burning fossil fuels will jeopardize the effectiveness of many carbon dating applications, new research predicts.

  7. Oceans

    Blooming phytoplankton seed clouds in the Southern Ocean

    Booming phytoplankton populations spark cloud formation in the Southern Ocean.

  8. Climate

    Current El Niño coming on strong

    Meteorologists expect the ongoing El Niño to strengthen in the coming months and alter weather patterns worldwide, including bringing potential drought relief to California.

  9. Climate

    Wildfire seasons have gotten almost 20 percent longer

    The average length of wildfire seasons has increased 18.7 percent since 1979, new research shows.

  10. Climate

    Bumblebee territory shrinking under climate change

    Climate change is shrinking bumblebee habitat as southern territories heat up and bumblebees hold their lines in the north.

  11. Climate

    Greenland’s out-of-sync climate explained

    Small variations in the sun’s activity cause big changes in Greenland’s temperatures decades later by altering ocean currents, new research suggests.

  12. Climate

    Pink salmon threatened by freshwater acidification

    Ocean acidification gets more attention, but freshwater systems are also acidifying. That’s a problem for young salmon, a new study finds.
