
  1. Climate

    Why some rainbows are all red

    Red rainbows are caused by the position of the sun in the sky, appearing more often during sunrise and sunset, new research finds.

  2. Climate

    Fireworks brighten the sky but dampen the view

    Fireworks and other pyrotechnics severely reduce visibility during celebrations such as New Year’s Eve and Guy Fawkes Day, researchers report.

  3. Climate

    Ice rafts traveling farther and faster across the Arctic Ocean

    Climate change may be causing Arctic sea ice to travel farther and faster than it did 15 years ago, taking pollutants and other material along for the ride.

  4. Climate

    Year in review: Global warming continues apace

    New climate research showed that the much-discussed warming hiatus never happened, carbon dioxide levels are higher than ever and Earth is heading toward a new normal.

  5. Climate

    195 nations approve historic climate accord

    The Paris climate talks end with delegates from 195 nations releasing a hard-fought agreement to curb climate change and limit warming to 2 degrees Celsius.

  6. Climate

    Global carbon emissions fell in 2015, despite economic growth

    Society’s carbon footprint fell slightly in 2015, largely due to decrease coal consumption in China, researchers report.

  7. Climate

    Warming culprit CO2 has a cool side — and it’s in Antarctica

    Rising CO2 levels above central Antarctica cause cooling, not warming, new research suggests. The odd effect results from surface temperatures that are colder than the overlying stratosphere.

  8. Climate

    Thinning ice leads to winter warming in the Arctic

    Thinning Arctic sea ice could boost heat-trapping water vapor in the air during autumn and winter, leading to more ice loss.

  9. Animals

    Getting creative to cut methane from cows

    Changing feed, giving vaccines and selective breeding may enable scientists to help beef and dairy cattle shake their title as one of society's worst methane producers.

  10. Climate

    Geoengineering is world’s last hope, new book argues

    Geoengineering is humankind’s only viable solution to curb climate change impacts, a journalist contends in The Planet Remade.

  11. Climate

    Kangaroo farts may not be so eco-friendly after all

    Kangaroos fart methane, but not much thanks to the metabolism of gut microbes

  12. Climate

    Eocene temperature spike caused by half as much CO2 as once thought

    Revised experiments demonstrate that hot temperatures during the Eocene resulted from lower carbon dioxide concentrations than previously thought.
