
  1. Climate

    What data do cities like Orlando need to prepare for climate migrants?

    As researchers wrestle with how to anticipate future population shifts due to climate change, possible “destination cities,” like Orlando, Fla., prepare for an influx.

  2. Climate

    What Michael Moore’s new film gets wrong about renewable energy

    Michael Moore’s Planet of the Humans challenges renewable energy’s ability to fight climate change, but it’s riddled with errors and old information.

  3. Earth

    Deadly temperatures expected to arrive later this century are already here

    Temperatures near humans’ physiological limit have doubled in frequency since 1979, exposing millions of people to dangerously hot and humid conditions.

  4. Earth

    Greenland and Antarctica are gaining ice inland, but still losing it overall

    Inland ice accumulation is not enough to counteract the amount of ice melting off Antarctica and Greenland into the oceans, satellite data show.

  5. Earth

    Did heavy rain trigger Kilauea’s eruption? It’s complicated

    A study suggests the Hawaiian volcano’s outpouring of lava was triggered by heavy rainfall in the months preceding. But some scientists are skeptical.

  6. Climate

    A U.S. oil-producing region is leaking twice as much methane as once thought

    Satellite measurements identify the Permian Basin, a massive U.S. oil- and gas-producing area, as a large source of leaked methane to the atmosphere.

  7. Climate

    Climate change made a southwestern U.S. drought one of the worst in 1,200 years

    Tree ring records show that the 2000–2018 drought in southwestern North America is among the most severe to strike the region in over a millennium.

  8. Climate

    The largest Arctic ozone hole ever measured is hovering over the North Pole

    A strong polar vortex in early 2020 led to what may be a record-breaking hole in the ozone layer over the Arctic.

  9. Earth

    Roughly 90 million years ago, a rainforest grew near the South Pole

    A forest flourished within 1,000 kilometers of the South Pole, probably because of high atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and an ice-free Antarctica.

  10. Climate

    These women endured a winter in the high Arctic for citizen science

    Two women have spent the winter on the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard to collect data for climate scientists around the world.

  11. Climate

    How Hurricane Maria’s heavy rains devastated Puerto Rico’s forests

    Hurricane Maria wreaked havoc on Puerto Rican forests in some unexpected ways.

  12. Climate

    Australia’s wildfires have now been linked to climate change

    Australia’s devastating 2019–2020 wildfires were at least 30 percent more likely due to human-caused climate change.
