
  1. Chemistry

    Questions of Origin

    Two new studies renew controversy about the authenticity of a map that may be the first depiction of North America.

  2. Chemistry

    Tums of the Sea

    Ocean scientists question whether the seas can handle rising carbon dioxide concentrations.

  3. Chemistry

    Mimicking the Best of Nature’s Binders: New technique produces artificial receptors

    Scientists have devised a new way to make artificial receptors that differentiate among similar molecules.

  4. Chemistry

    Material could halt catalyst waste

    New research suggests a way that carmakers might use less of expensive metal materials in automobiles' catalytic converters.

  5. Chemistry


    Scientists are turning carbon-cage molecules called fullerenes into drug candidates and medical diagnostic tools.

  6. Chemistry

    Ions on the Move: Theory of hydroxide’s motion overturned

    New computer calculations reveal that a long-held belief about the hydroxide ion's movement in water is wrong.

  7. Chemistry

    Powerful explosive blasts onto scene

    Researchers have synthesized what could be the most powerful nonnuclear explosive known.

  8. Chemistry

    Molecule Sorting: Antibody membrane lends a hand

    A new membrane may make it easier to separate mixtures of drug molecules that exist in mirror-image versions into their two components.

  9. Chemistry

    A crystal takes on an unusual topology

    A single crystal exhibits the unusual topology known as a Möbius strip.

  10. Chemistry

    Oxidized plutonium reaches a higher state

    A new understanding of the basic chemistry of plutonium could affect the way nuclear waste is stored.

  11. Chemistry

    The World of Wine

    Improved analytical instruments and powerful computers are now enabling scientists to better determine a chemical fingerprint for products from different wine-producing regions.

  12. Chemistry

    Antibiotics may become harder to resist

    Drug designers have developed new tactics to make it harder for bacteria to survive exposure to antibiotics.
