
  1. Chemistry

    Soy and oat combo protects against UV

    Soybean oil and a natural chemical in oat bran have been chemically combined to make a new sunscreen.

  2. Chemistry

    Clearing the air on dirty art

    Air-pollution damage to artworks may accumulate more stealthily than conservationists thought, suggesting that art exhibitors need to step up protection against such damage.

  3. Chemistry

    Protein’s structure lights the way

    Forty years after the discovery of aequorin in a jellyfish, the structure of this calcium-tracking, glowing protein is resolved.

  4. Chemistry

    Photography at a Crossroads

    Researchers are racing to understand the chemical processes used during the past 2 centuries to make photographs before digital-imaging techniques take over completely.

  5. Chemistry

    Dipping deeper into acid

    New experiments reveal how a molecule of acid dissolves in water.

  6. Chemistry

    Hydrogen: The Next Generation

    Researchers are looking for more sustainable ways to generate hydrogen, which burns cleanly but is typically made from fossil fuel.

  7. Chemistry

    Now, nylon comes in killer colors

    Chemists are improving antibacterial fabrics by treating them with compounds that prolong their killing power and add color.

  8. Chemistry

    Mosquito Magnets

    Your skin chemicals lure blood-sucking insects to their next meal.

  9. Chemistry

    Hot Spuds: Golden path to acrylamide in food

    The browning reaction that imparts flavor to french fries and breads also creates acrylamide, an animal carcinogen.

  10. Chemistry

    Sweet tooth is in the genes

    Taste researchers have narrowed the search for the sweet tooth gene, at least in mice, to a 100-gene region.

  11. Chemistry

    Birth control for male cockroaches

    Scientists have discovered a gene in German cockroaches that may lead to a new type of insect control—contraception for male cockroaches.

  12. Chemistry

    Coming up roses in scent research

    Aroma chemists have discovered a carotenoid-processing enzyme that makes the chemicals that give rose oil its smell.
