
  1. Chemistry

    Striking Oil: High-pressure processing minimizes trans fats

    Improvements in the techniques used to hydrogenate vegetable oils could soon fill store shelves with food products containing smaller percentages of unhealthful trans fats.

  2. Chemistry

    Inside a melting crystal

    A model crystal made of water-saturated polymer spheres shows that small defects in a crystal can cause it to melt from the inside out.

  3. Chemistry

    Energy on Ice

    Recent efforts to unlock a frozen source of natural gas deep under the permafrost and ocean floor have energized prospects for a methane-hydrate industry.

  4. Chemistry

    Chemical analysis deciphers biblical palette

    The first characterization of the paints used to decorate the margins of Gutenberg Bibles could help guide preservation and future restoration efforts.

  5. Chemistry

    Boxes coated with citronella repel insects

    A fragrant grass extract known as citronella oil may deter insects from infesting cartons of food.

  6. Chemistry

    Metal Rebel: Under extreme pressure, sodium breaks the rules for turning into liquid

    In a demonstration that defies certain basic assumptions in physics, researchers have created liquid sodium at room temperature under high pressures.

  7. Chemistry

    Crystal clear

    Growing drug crystals on different polymer surfaces could improve a critical step in the development of pharmaceuticals.

  8. Chemistry

    The Proper Popper: Corn kernel’s chemistry is key to its ka-pop

    The secret to better popcorn popping is the crystalline structure of the kernel's hull.

  9. Chemistry

    Color Trails: Natural dyes in historic textiles get a closer look

    A new chemical technique for extracting natural dyes from ancient textiles could help identify the plant species from which the colorants came.

  10. Chemistry

    Expanding the genetic code

    In an effort to explore the mechanisms of evolution, researchers have designed an unnatural chemical base and inserted it into synthetic DNA in a test tube.

  11. Chemistry

    Stopping wool from shrinking

    Treating wool with a fungal enzyme not only prevents the fibers from shrinking but also is more environmentally friendly than using conventional chemical treatments.

  12. Chemistry

    Parrot plumage has exclusive pigmentation

    The spectacular colors of parrot feathers owe their vibrancy to a set of pigments found nowhere else in nature.
