
  1. Chemistry

    Gooey solution to a sticky problem

    A new, gooey, and potentially useful protein has been extracted from the bodies of jellyfish that overpopulate the seas around Japan.

  2. Chemistry

    A sweet way to replace petroleum?

    Thanks to a new chemical process, many products now manufactured from petroleum could one day be made from sugar molecules.

  3. Chemistry

    Beyond Ethanol: Synthetic fuel offers promising alternative

    A faster, simpler manufacturing technique could make a synthetic biofuel into an even stronger competitor to ethanol.

  4. Chemistry

    In a Fix: Agricultural chemicals disturb a natural relationship

    Several pesticides can disrupt a partnership that enables certain plants to take up nitrogen by enlisting the help of bacteria.

  5. Chemistry

    Packaging Peril: Chemicals in food wrapping turn toxic

    Chemicals that prevent grease from seeping through food packaging can transform into a suspected carcinogen.

  6. Chemistry

    Onward, microbes

    With a tweak to their genetic codes, bacteria have been coaxed to follow a chemical trail of a researcher's choosing.

  7. Chemistry

    Cleaning Treasures: Safer solvents for restoring frescoes

    Solvents in nanoscale droplets can be used to clean centuries-old frescoes, saving them from the unintended consequences of previous restorations.

  8. Chemistry

    Gene dispensers

    A new gene therapy technique releases genetic material from successive nanoscale layers of DNA as sheets of polyester that hold them in place slowly degrade.

  9. Chemistry

    Enzymes release caged chemicals

    A new controlled-release technology relies on enzymes to unshackle a chemical only when and where it's needed.

  10. Chemistry

    That’s a Wrap: Polymer coatings fortify pancreas cells

    A technique that encapsulates cells in polymer might one day benefit people who receive pancreas-cell transplants for diabetes.

  11. Chemistry

    Waistline Worry: Common chemicals might boost obesity

    A family of chemicals implicated in testosterone declines may also be contributing to recent spikes in obesity and diabetes.

  12. Chemistry

    Scrubbing troubles

    Triclosan, an antibacterial agent found in many soaps, may increase a person's exposure to a potentially toxic chemical.
