
  1. Chemistry

    It’s DNA Jim, but not as we know it

    Chemists synthesized a DNA-like molecule using unnatural versions of the “letters” that make up the genetic code.

  2. Chemistry

    HIV knockout

    Cutting a gene in immune cells could offer a new way to treat HIV infections.

  3. Chemistry

    Quantifying the “gene for” fallacy

    Looking at one gene at a time misses about a third of the genes that contribute to the way a cell functions, scientists say.

  4. Life

    Viruses rewritten

    Scientists could create wimpy versions of real viruses to develop vaccines for emerging diseases.

  5. Chemistry

    Catching your breath

    Scientists are investigating how to use the human breath to diagnose diseases and environmental ills.

  6. Health & Medicine

    No babies, no hormones

    A radically different form of contraception would prevent pregnancies with small molecules of RNA.

  7. Health & Medicine

    Virus versus virus

    Customized RNA snippets delivered by a harmless virus could someday provide a new way to combat the hepatitis B virus.

  8. Chemistry

    Small, But Super

    These 'atoms' can't leap tall buildings in a single bound, but they have special powers.

  9. Chemistry

    Life before proteins

    Spheres of fat suggest a way that life on Earth could have gotten started.

  10. Chemistry

    Deciding Who’s First

    Oxygen serves as the focus of who to credit with a discovery – and why.

  11. Archaeology

    Footprints in the ash

    Humans may have been walking around what is now central Mexico 40,000 years ago.

  12. Chemistry

    Kavli Awardees Named

    Norwegian Academy awards three novel and hefty prizes to three teams of scientists.
