
  1. Tech

    Tiniest car gets a test drive

    Scientists build the world's tiniest electric 'roadster,' and zap it into action.

  2. Humans

    Contrasting the concerns over climate and ozone loss

    On November 7, ozone and climate scientists met in Washington, D.C., to discuss whether the history of stratospheric ozone protection offered a useful case study about how to catalyze global action on carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. The simple answer that emerged: No.

  3. Chemistry

    Headache tree is a pain in the brain

    Following a gardener’s lead, researchers discover an ingredient in bay laurel that causes uncomfortable swelling of cranial blood vessels.

  4. Chemistry

    Cloud seeding by trees could alter precipitation, climate

    Some tree pollens shed molecules that can affect precipitation.

  5. Humans

    Study recalibrates trees’ carbon uptake

    Photosynthesis appears to be somewhat speedier than conventional wisdom had suggested, a new study finds. If true, this suggests computer projections are at risk of overestimating the potential for trees to sop up carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas.

  6. Chemistry

    Unusual crystal patterns win chemistry Nobel

    First rejected as impossible, the discovery that atoms can pack in subtly varied patterns forced revisions of fundamental concepts.

  7. Chemistry

    Miracle fruit secret revealed

    Bizarre berry works by sensitizing the tongue's sweet sensors to acidic flavors.

  8. Chemistry

    Molecules/Matter & Energy

    An atom steps in as a mirror, ladybug chemical weapons and more in this week's news.

  9. Chemistry

    Science gets the deets on DEET

    New research demonstrates how insect repellent may mix up mosquitoes’ smelling machinery.

  10. Chemistry

    Molecular muscle gets the job done

    Chemists solve a stubborn problem by resorting to strong-arm tactics.

  11. Chemistry

    HIPPO reveals climate surprises

    A major pollution-mapping program that ends September 9 has turned up startling trends in climate-warming gases and soot.

  12. Chemistry

    Explosive goes boom, but not too soon

    Leavening a volatile new material with good old TNT yields a substance that’s safer to handle and easily reverted into a highly potent form.
