
  1. Animals

    Green darner dragonflies migrate a bit like monarch butterflies

    Some dragonflies do a north-south annual migration that takes at least three generations.

  2. Particle Physics

    Why a chemistry teacher started a science board game company

    Subatomic is the latest game from John Coveyou, whose company Genius Games wants people to find the joy in science.

  3. Microbes

    Mini ‘solar panels’ help yeast shine at churning out drug ingredients

    Microbes equipped with light-harvesting semiconductor particles generate useful chemicals much more efficiently than ordinary microbes.

  4. Chemistry

    These fragile, futuristic batteries run longer with a little oil

    A redesign for batteries that use aluminum and oxygen could help these inexpensive, lightweight power cells last longer.

  5. Chemistry

    New devices could help turn atmospheric CO2 into useful supplies

    New electrochemical cells transform carbon monoxide into useful chemical compounds like ethylene and acetate much more efficiently than their predecessors.

  6. Chemistry

    Zapping substances with electrons can quickly map chemical structures

    Speedy molecular identification originally developed for proteins might benefit crime lab researchers and drugmakers.

  7. Plants

    Liverwort plants contain a painkiller similar to the one in marijuana

    Cannabinoids found in liverwort plants could spell relief for those suffering from chronic pain.

  8. Chemistry

    Speeding up evolution to create useful proteins wins the chemistry Nobel

    The three winners, which include the fifth woman to win the chemistry prize, pioneered techniques used to fashion customized proteins for new biofuels and drugs.

  9. Chemistry

    Speeding up the evolution of proteins wins the chemistry Nobel

    Work on evolving new proteins from old ones takes the Nobel Prize in chemistry.

  10. Life

    Emily Balskus uses chemical logic to study the microbiome

    Using chemistry to peer at the microbial world, Emily Balskus is revealing how microbes influence human health.

  11. Chemistry

    Joaquín Rodríguez-López designs batteries for a sustainable energy future

    Electrochemist Joaquín Rodríguez-López is finding better ways to store wind and solar power.

  12. Chemistry

    A new antibiotic uses sneaky tactics to kill drug-resistant superbugs

    Scientists have developed a molecule that kills off bacteria that are resistant to existing antibiotics.
