
  1. Astronomy

    Galaxy’s petal-like structures came from collision

    A cosmic crash of two huge masses of stars, gas and dust probably gave way to a new galactic structure with both young and old star clusters.

  2. Astronomy

    Water seen in rubble around star

    Hubble sees debris that was part of an asteroid with the ingredients for habitable planets.

  3. Astronomy

    Voyager’s view

    Though the 1970s-era space probe has finally slipped into an interstellar realm, in some senses it is still very much within the bounds of the solar system.

  4. Astronomy

    Tiny sphere bends light like a black hole does

    Previously seen at the megascale, gravitational lensing goes micro.

  5. Astronomy

    The NASA take on ‘Gravity’

    An astronaut and a NASA expert consider the reality of the film’s space dangers.

  6. Astronomy

    Last gorge for galaxy’s central black hole gauged

    Relic light suggests the supermassive black hole at the Milky Way's center was millions of times more active 2 million years ago.

  7. Astronomy

    Don’t worry, be grumpy and take nature’s cycles in stride

  8. Astronomy

    At last, Voyager 1 slips into interstellar space

    Solar blast data provides definitive evidence that Voyager 1 has cruised beyond the heliosphere and into interstellar space.

  9. Astronomy

    Radio telescope images reveal nebula’s heart of carbon

    ALMA takes detailed look at elements surrounding dying star.

  10. Astronomy

    The sun’s older twin, 250 light-years away

    Almost twice as ancient, the distant star gives a glimpse of the sun's future.

  11. Astronomy

    ‘Space beads’ push back origins of iron working

    Ancient Egyptians used advanced techniques to make beads out of 'metal from the sky.'

  12. Astronomy

    To determine stars’ physical traits, Kepler sees the light

    Measuring stellar brightness can yield useful estimates of stars' size and evolutionary stage, and help in the hunt for planets.
