
  1. Astronomy

    ISON seems to have survived close call with sun

    Comet ISON seems to have emerged from its brush with the sun diminished but intact, according to the latest reports.

  2. Astronomy

    Comet ISON approaches sun for Thanksgiving flyby

    On Thanksgiving, Comet ISON will pass near the sun and may disintegrate.

  3. Astronomy

    Dust cloud, tail could explain exoplanet’s odd light pattern

    KIC 12557548 b may be ejecting dust from its surface, creating a cometlike tail behind it and an opaque envelope of material around it.

  4. Astronomy

    Bright gamma-ray burst tests idea of event’s origins

    High-energy light particles suggest that physicists need to revise their theories explaining the origin of these cosmic blasts.

  5. Astronomy

    High-energy neutrinos ensnared from beyond the solar system

    Speedy particles detected in Antarctica may point to gargantuan black holes or cataclysmic explosions.

  6. Astronomy

    Jet from Milky Way’s giant black hole shows itself

  7. Astronomy

    Solar explosion forms ‘Canyon of Fire’

    Just when the sun was looking especially lethargic, a violent eruption left behind a vast chasm of superheated gas on the solar surface.

  8. Astronomy

    Black hole spurts jets of iron and nickel

    New observations show that the jets of black hole 4U 1630-47 carry massive particles such as iron and nickel atoms instead of the typical low-mass particles such as electrons.

  9. Astronomy

    Moon’s craters remeasured

    Large craters cover more of the moon’s surface on its nearside than its farside, according to new maps from NASA’s GRAIL spacecrafts.

  10. Astronomy

    Strange six-tailed asteroid makes a scene

    In September, scientists used the Hubble Space Telescope to image the object and were shocked to see its cometlike appearance.

  11. Science & Society


    Our redesigned cover and the astronomy stories from the Oct. 19 issue get readers' reviews.

  12. Astronomy

    Billions and billions of Earth-sized planets call Milky Way home

    Using Kepler data, astronomers estimate that a sizeable fraction of the galaxy’s sunlike stars have Earth-sized planets that could support liquid water.
