
  1. Astronomy

    Kepler space telescope data uncovers 715 new planets

    Astronomers used a new tool to quickly confirm the detection of exoplanets.

  2. Astronomy

    Kepler data confirm 715 new exoplanets

    The population of planets outside the solar system has grown by about 70 percent, thanks to discoveries culled from Kepler space telescope data. Researchers are announcing 715 new confirmed planets in a February 26 press conference.

  3. Astronomy

    China’s lunar rover alive, but still crippled

    Mechanical issues are preventing the Yutu lunar rover from exploring the moon's surface as designed.

  4. Astronomy

    Pulsar pulverizes an asteroid

    The steady beat of a pulsar may occasionally be interrupted by collisions with asteroids.

  5. Astronomy

    While exploding, supernovas not spherical

    X-rays reveal uneven allotment of element made by blowup.

  6. Astronomy

    China’s lunar rover fails to connect with controllers (updated)

    Yutu, or Jade Rabbit, could not be restored to full function, Chinese media report.

  7. Astronomy

    Oldest star provides hints about first supernovas

    The chemical composition of star SMSS J031300.362670839.3 and four others suggests that the explosions of the early universe weren't big enough to seed galaxies with iron.

  8. Astronomy

    Old stars gleaned neighbors’ gas, Hubble data show

    Blue straggler stars can continue to burn hot after taking material from a stellar companion.

  9. Astronomy

    Some gas clouds refuse to collapse

    A study of dust gives astronomers a sharper picture of cold gas.

  10. Astronomy

    Clouds on nearby brown dwarf mapped

    A study of clouds on a nearby brown dwarf reveals partial cloud cover.

  11. Planetary Science

    Dwarf planet Ceres gives off gassy water

    Astronomers report observations that Ceres releases water molecules from two distinct spots on its surface.

  12. Cosmology

    New supernova spotted in nearby galaxy

    The galaxy M82 has given off a brilliant flash, which astronomers have confirmed as a type 1a supernova.
