
  1. Astronomy

    Cosmic threesomes make some galaxies run away

    Extremely rare, free-floating galaxies called compact ellipticals may have been ejected from their home clusters after a massive intergalactic meet-up.

  2. Astronomy

    Cosmic rays misbehave in space station experiment

    A puzzling feature in a new cosmic ray census may force physicists to rethink which cosmic objects send these speedy particles hurtling across the galaxy.

  3. Astronomy

    Color differences could recalibrate cosmic acceleration rate

    Color differences in a class of supernovas could lower estimates of how much dark energy is in the universe.

  4. Astronomy

    A look back in time reveals Milky Way’s evolution

    A sample of galaxies covering 11 billion years of cosmic history helps astronomers document how the Milky Way evolved.

  5. Astronomy

    X-rays offer early warning for solar flares

    X-rays shot out by the sun foretell the intensity of an upcoming solar flare, new research suggests.

  6. Astronomy

    Ringing rings reveal Saturn’s innards

    Scientists propose that exotic structures are buried within Saturn, based on analyses of subtle vibrations in the planet’s rings.

  7. Astronomy

    Galactic split provides clue to dark matter mystery

    An oddly divided galaxy may provide the first evidence that dark matter particles interact through a force other than gravity.

  8. Astronomy

    Map pinpoints location of invisible dark matter

    A new map shows that dark matter is concentrated in regions that contain a lot of ordinary matter in the form of galaxy clusters.

  9. Astronomy

    Map pinpoints location of invisible dark matter

    Dark matter can’t be seen, but a new map shows where it’s hiding. The map confirms that the mysterious matter is concentrated in regions that contain a lot of ordinary matter in the form of galaxy clusters.

  10. Astronomy

    Afterglow alerts astronomers to gamma-ray burst

    Astronomers have spotted the remnant glow from a gamma-ray burst without first observing its beam of high-energy gamma rays.

  11. Astronomy

    Source of puzzling cosmic signals found — in the kitchen

    One type of radio burst has a pretty mundane origin: prematurely opened microwave ovens.

  12. Astronomy

    Cyanides around young star signal complex organic chemistry

    Abundances of cyanide compounds around a young star match those found in comets in our solar system.
