
  1. Astronomy

    Mars-sized exoplanet is smallest to have its mass measured

    The smallest exoplanet to be weighed is a hot, rocky cousin of the Red Planet.

  2. Astronomy

    Pluto at last

    Precision matters, whether looking at global temperatures, subatomic particles or the carefully timed approach to a faraway world.

  3. Astronomy

    Distant galaxy may contain primeval stars

    A stockpile of the first generation of stars might be lighting up gas in a galaxy that existed roughly 800 million years after the Big Bang.

  4. Planetary Science

    Rendezvous with Pluto

    Earth will get its first good look at Pluto and its five known moons when New Horizons sails past on July 14.

  5. Astronomy

    Some of sun’s magnetic fields may act more like forests

    A swaying forest of mangrovelike magnetic fields on the sun could be the answer to why the solar atmosphere is millions of degrees hotter than the surface.

  6. Anthropology

    Neandertal bling and more reader feedback

  7. Astronomy

    Cosmic superlens gives telescopes a boost

    A map of galaxy cluster Abell 2744 unveils how gravity magnifies and smears images of far more distant galaxies.

  8. Astronomy

    In another universe, free-range planets could host life

    If other universes exist, then those with denser galaxies might harbor a larger fraction of habitable worlds.

  9. Astronomy

    Brightest galaxy discovered

    The brightest known galaxy is about 350 trillion times as bright as the sun, and a supermassive black hole is to blame.

  10. Astronomy

    Peeks into early life of supernovas show how to blow up a star

    Multiple supernovas show off some of the ways a star can explode.

  11. Astronomy

    First quasar quartet discovered

    A quartet of quasars seen in the early universe may mark where a massive galaxy cluster is starting to form.

  12. Astronomy

    Andromeda reaches out to touch Milky Way

    The Andromeda galaxy is enveloped in a wispy halo of gas that extends halfway to the Milky Way.
