
  1. Astronomy

    Squabbles in star nurseries result in celestial fireworks

    Images from the ALMA observatory in Chile reveal that early days of stars can be just as fiery as their death.

  2. Astronomy

    Massive red, dead galaxy spotted in young universe

    A hefty red, dead galaxy may raise questions about how galaxies formed in the early universe.

  3. Astronomy

    Event Horizon Telescope to try to capture images of elusive black hole edge

    Network of radio observatories will attempt a first-ever glimpse at an event horizon.

  4. Tech

    SpaceX launches and lands its first reused rocket

    Aerospace company SpaceX has successfully reused a Falcon 9 rocket’s booster section for the first time.

  5. Astronomy

    Asteroid in Jupiter’s orbit goes its own way

    Asteroid shares Jupiter’s orbit around the sun but travels in the opposite direction as the planet.

  6. Astronomy

    Supermassive black hole gets kicked to the galactic curb

    Gravitational waves may have given a supermassive black hole a big kick, with enough energy to send it flying toward the edges of its host galaxy.

  7. Astronomy

    Close pass by sun didn’t radically alter comet 67P’s landscape

    Landslides on comet 67P shot plumes of dust into space, but changes like these might not radically alter the landscape of the comet.

  8. Astronomy

    Distant galaxies lack dark matter, study suggests

    Slower-than-expected velocities of stars in distant galaxies, if confirmed, could reshape astronomers’ ideas of galaxy formation and evolution.

  9. Astronomy

    In new Cassini portraits, Saturn’s moon Pan looks like pasta

    Photographs taken this week by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft provide a closer view of Saturn’s small moon Pan, which resembles ravioli.

  10. Astronomy

    Saturn’s moon Pan looks like ravioli

    Photographs taken this week by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft provide a closer view of Saturn’s small moon Pan, which resembles ravioli.

  11. Astronomy

    Astronomers detect oldest known stardust in distant galaxy

    The first stardust ever generated in the universe may have been spotted in a distant galaxy, seen as it was 600 million years after the Big Bang.

  12. Astronomy

    Magnetism helps black holes blow off gas

    The turbulent winds that swirl around black holes are probably driven by magnetic fields, scientists say.
