
  1. Astronomy

    First 3-D map of a gas cloud in space shows it’s flat like a pancake

    An interstellar gas cloud dubbed the Dark Doodad Nebula looks like a wispy, thin cylinder. But it’s actually a flat sheet.

  2. Astronomy

    Gaia delivers a trove of data revealing secrets of the Milky Way

    Astronomers are already using Gaia’s new information to estimate the galaxy’s mass, the diameter of exoplanets and more.

  3. Astronomy

    New ideas about how stars die help solve a decades-old mystery

    New ideas about stellar evolution help explain why astronomers see so many bright planetary nebulae where they ought not be.

  4. Planetary Science

    Getting NASA’s Pluto mission off the ground took blood, sweat and years

    Alan Stern talks about the new book ‘Chasing New Horizons’ and what’s next for the spacecraft that got close to Pluto.

  5. Physics

    Neutron stars shed neutrinos to cool down quickly

    Scientists find the first clear evidence of rapid cooling of a neutron star by neutrino emission.

  6. Astronomy

    The latest star map from the Gaia spacecraft plots 1.7 billion stars

    The Gaia spacecraft’s latest data release brings the number of stars with precisely measured motions up from 2 million to more than 1.3 billion.

  7. Astronomy

    Young galaxies are flat, but old ones are more blobby

    A survey of hundreds of star systems precisely links the shape of a galaxy to the ages of its stars.

  8. Astronomy

    Celebrity names now mark places on Pluto’s moon Charon

    Pluto’s largest moon, Charon, now has 12 new names for its topological features.

  9. Astronomy

    NASA’s TESS spacecraft launches to begin its exoplanet search

    After reaching its orbit in about two months, the telescope will start scanning nearby stars telltale dips in light that signal a passing planet.

  10. Astronomy

    Delayed launch of NASA’s next exoplanet hunter is now set for tonight

    NASA’s next exoplanet hunter, TESS, launches today to seek planets in 85 percent of the sky.

  11. Astronomy

    With the launch of TESS, NASA will boost its search for exoplanets

    The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite will set the stage for the next chapter of exoplanet exploration.

  12. Physics

    Einstein’s general relativity reveals new quirk of Mercury’s orbit

    A tiny effect of general relativity on Mercury’s orbit has been calculated for the first time.
