
  1. Particle Physics

    50 years ago, neutrinos ghosted scientists

    In the last half-century, neutrino detectors have spotted particles cast out by the sun, supernova 1987A and a supermassive black hole.

  2. Particle Physics

    A high-energy neutrino has been traced to its galactic birthplace

    The high-energy particle was born in a blazar 4 billion light-years away, scientists report.

  3. Astronomy

    The ecosystem that controls a galaxy’s future is coming into focus

    An invisible cloak called the circumgalactic medium controls a galaxy’s life and death.

  4. Astronomy

    See this star nursery shine in a stunning new infrared image

    A newly released image of star cluster RCW 38 shows the intricate details of wisps of gas and dust surrounding newborn stars.

  5. Astronomy

    NASA’s Parker probe is about to get up close and personal with the sun

    The Parker Solar Probe is about to make a historic voyage to touch the sun.

  6. Astronomy

    Astronomers snap the first baby pictures of a planet

    New telescope images give the clearest view of an exoplanet embryo yet.

  7. Astronomy

    Japan’s Hayabusa2 spacecraft arrives at the asteroid Ryugu

    The Hayabusa2 spacecraft says “hello” to near-Earth asteroid Ryugu.

  8. Astronomy

    ‘Oumuamua may be a comet, not an asteroid

    The solar system’s first known interstellar visitor doesn’t appear to be the asteroid that scientists thought it was.

  9. Physics

    Einstein’s general relativity reigns supreme, even on a galactic scale

    Scientists have made the most precise test of Einstein’s theory of gravity at great distances.

  10. Physics

    To combat an expanding universe, aliens could hoard stars

    An advanced alien civilization might combat the impact of dark energy by harvesting stars.

  11. Astronomy

    On Jupiter, lightning flashes from storms swirling at the poles

    After almost 40 years, scientists have discovered that Jupiter has lightning that is similar to lightning on Earth — it just happens in a different place.

  12. Astronomy

    Magnetic fields may be propping up the Pillars of Creation

    Scientists made a map of the magnetic field within the Pillars of Creation, a star-forming area depicted in an iconic Hubble Space Telescope image.
