
  1. Astronomy

    Astronomers find far-flung wind from a black hole in the universe’s first light

    The detection of black hole winds far from their host galaxy could reveal details of how galaxies and black holes grow up together.

  2. Physics

    Readers inquire about a Neptune-sized moon, nuclear pasta and more

    Readers had questions about a Neptune-sized moon, nuclear pasta and the search for extraterrestrial life.

  3. Physics

    Scientists’ collection of gravitational waves just got a lot bigger

    The biggest black hole merger yet seen created one set of the spacetime ripples.

  4. Astronomy

    Astronomers have measured all the starlight ever emitted

    Astronomers used distant blazars to tally up all the stray photons roaming through space.

  5. Science & Society

    Readers react to the SN 10 and Jocelyn Bell Burnell

    Readers expressed their thoughts about the SN 10 scientists, Saturn's hexagons and Jocelyn Bell Burnell.

  6. Astronomy

    Astronomers spot another star that flickers like Tabby’s star

    The irregular flickering of star VVV-WIT-07 is reminiscent of Tabby’s star, which brought speculation of alien megastructures.

  7. Astronomy

    One of Earth’s shimmering dust clouds has been spotted at last

    Almost 60 years after a Polish astronomer spotted clouds of dust orbiting Earth near the moon, astronomers have detected those clouds again.

  8. Planetary Science

    Hints of Oort clouds around other stars may lurk in the universe’s first light

    Sifting through the universe’s early light could reveal planetary graveyards orbiting other stars.

  9. Astronomy

    Hubble has been busy since coming back online

    Since getting back to work on October 26, the Hubble Space Telescope has been studying red dwarf flares, among other celestial objects.

  10. Astronomy

    The Milky Way feasted on a smaller galaxy 10 billion years ago

    The Milky Way swallowed another galaxy billions of years ago, and the leftover stars are still roaming the sky.

  11. Astronomy

    Three gas clouds nearly grazed the edge of the Milky Way’s black hole

    Gas clumps cozy up to the Milky Way’s enormous black hole, new observations reveal.

  12. Astronomy

    The planet-hunting Kepler space telescope is dead

    The Kepler space telescope is officially out of fuel and will hunt planets no more, NASA announced.
