
  1. Astronomy

    A 3-D map of stars reveals the Milky Way’s warped shape

    Our galaxy flaunts its curves in a chart of thousands of stars called Cepheids.

  2. Astronomy

    TESS has found the first-ever ‘ultrahot Neptune’

    NASA’s TESS telescope has spotted a world that could be a bridge between other types of exoplanets: hot Jupiters and scorched Earths.

  3. Astronomy

    In a first, physicists re-created the sun’s spiraling solar wind in a lab

    Some of the sun’s fundamental physics have been re-created with plasma inside a vacuum chamber

  4. Astronomy

    NASA’s Chandra X-ray telescope celebrates 20 years in space

    The U.S. space agency has released new images for the Chandra X-ray Observatory’s 20th birthday.

  5. Cosmology

    Scientists still can’t agree on the universe’s expansion rate

    A mismatch in measurements of how fast the universe is expanding might not be real, a study hints.

  6. Astronomy

    Gaps in gas disks around stars may not always mark newborn planets

    New research has prompted a rethink of the theory that gaps in planet-forming disks around young stars mark spaces where planets are being created.

  7. Planetary Science

    How NASA has kept Apollo moon rocks safe from contamination for 50 years

    NASA wouldn’t let our reporter touch the Apollo moon rocks. Here’s why that’s a good thing.

  8. Astronomy

    Moons that escape their planets could become ‘ploonets’

    If giant planets in other star systems lose their moons, the freed objects could become “ploonets,” and current telescopes may be able to find them.

  9. Ecosystems

    Moonlight shapes how some animals move, grow and even sing

    The moon’s light influences lion prey behavior, dung beetle navigation, fish growth, mass migrations and birdsong.

  10. Astronomy

    After all this time, the moon still manages to surprise us

    Editor in Chief Nancy Shute discusses 50 years of lunar science.

  11. Astronomy

    How the 2019 eclipse will differ from 2017’s — and what that means for science

    This year’s total solar eclipse is visible late in the day from a relatively small slice of South America.

  12. Astronomy

    The earliest known galaxy merger occurred shortly after the Big Bang

    Telescopes show two distant blobs of stars and gas swirling around each other in the young universe.
