
  1. Space

    How two gamma-ray bursts created record-breaking high-energy photons

    Light packing up to 1 trillion electron volts of energy bolsters a theory for how these cosmic explosions produce such high-energy radiation.

  2. Space

    Realigning magnetic fields may drive the sun’s spiky plasma tendrils

    Solar spicules emerge near counterpointing magnetic fields, hinting that self-adjusting magnetism creates these filaments, which may heat the corona.

  3. Space

    Light leaking from a distant galaxy hints at a cosmic makeover’s origins

    Ultraviolet light slips through a hole in a distant galaxy’s gas. Older galaxies might have used the trick to ionize most of the universe’s hydrogen.

  4. Space

    Voyager 2 reveals the dynamic, complex nature of the solar system’s edge

    With two spacecraft outside the sun’s magnetic bubble, researchers get a new look at the boundary between the sun and its galactic environment.

  5. Space

    Strontium is the first heavy element detected from a neutron star merger

    The discovery of strontium created inside a neutron star smashup gives the clearest picture yet of what goes on inside this chaotic environment.

  6. Space

    A supermassive black hole shredded a star and was caught in the act

    Astronomers have gotten the earliest glimpse yet of a black hole ripping up a star, a process known as a tidal disruption event.

  7. Space

    With 20 new moons, Saturn now has the most of any solar system planet

    The discovery brings Saturn’s moon tally to 82. The previous record-holder, Jupiter, has 79.

  8. Physics

    Physics Nobel awarded for discoveries about the universe’s evolution and exoplanets

    Three scientists share the 2019 Nobel Prize in physics for revealing what makes up our cosmos and for finding the first planet orbiting a sunlike star.

  9. Space

    Why just being in the habitable zone doesn’t make exoplanets livable

    A reignited debate over whether a new planet is habitable highlights the difficult science of seeking alien life.

  10. Space

    A new image reveals the structure of the cosmic web

    Newly spotted tendrils of gas within a forming cluster of galaxies support scientists’ theory of the cosmos.

  11. Space

    NASA’s new black hole visualizations showcase how gravity warps light

    Images from computer simulations highlight how the extreme gravity of a black hole tampers with light rays emanating from its accretion disk to create weird patterns.

  12. Space

    This fast radio burst shined a light on a galaxy’s mysterious gas halo

    A lucky alignment let astronomers probe one galaxy’s diffuse gas using a brief, bright blast from a more distant galaxy.
