
  1. Space

    A controversial X-ray glow didn’t show up in the Milky Way’s dark matter halo

    A new look at old data suggests that an odd X-ray glow that emanates from some galaxies cannot come from decaying dark matter.

  2. Space

    Astronomers have found the edge of the Milky Way at last

    Computer simulations and observations of nearby galaxies let astrophysicists put a firm number on the Milky Way's size.

  3. Physics

    New telescopes could help spot ‘photon ring’ of the first black hole ever imaged

    Expanding the Event Horizon Telescope by adding telescopes in space could help capture the rings around galaxy M87’s supermassive black hole.

  4. Astronomy

    The star Betelgeuse might just be dusty, not about to explode

    A new study suggests that dust recently expelled by Betelgeuse is why the star dimmed suddenly in late 2019 before brightening again.

  5. Astronomy

    Heavy metal may rain from the skies of planet WASP 76b

    Astronomers saw hints of iron rain on an ultrahot gas giant, an exoplanet where starlike atmospheric temperatures drive weird weather.

  6. Space

    Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin revealed stars’ composition and broke gender barriers

    The book ‘What Stars Are Made Of’ celebrates the life of astronomer Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin.

  7. Space

    A black hole eruption marks the most powerful explosion ever spotted

    Hundreds of millions of years ago, a black hole blasted out roughly 100 billion times as much energy as the sun is expected to emit in its lifetime.

  8. Space

    50 years ago, scientists were studying why the sun’s corona is so hot

    In 1970, scientists were hoping to learn why the sun’s corona is so hot during an eclipse. Fifty years later, the corona’s magnetic field may hold some answers.

  9. Physics

    This fundamental constant of nature remains the same even near a black hole

    A number that sets the strength of electromagnetic interactions isn’t altered by the extreme gravity around the Milky Way’s supermassive black hole.

  10. Astronomy

    Molecular oxygen has been spotted beyond the Milky Way for the first time

    Astronomers have detected molecular oxygen in another galaxy for the first time. The discovery is only the third sighting beyond our solar system.

  11. Space

    An ancient galaxy grew massive — then oddly stopped making stars

    After ferociously producing stars for a few hundred million years, this galaxy in the early universe gave up, and astronomers aren’t sure why.

  12. Space

    ESA’s Solar Orbiter will be the first spacecraft to study the sun’s polar zones

    ESA's Solar Orbiter is now on its way to the sun, beginning a nearly two-year journey.
