
  1. Space

    Crushed space rocks hint at exoplanets’ early atmospheric makeup

    Experiments that heat crushed-up meteorites are helping astronomers understand what to look for in exoplanet atmospheres.

  2. Astronomy

    Astronomers spotted a rare galaxy shutting down star formation

    A distant galaxy harbors an active black hole and active star formation at the same time – an unusual coincidence.

  3. Space

    The first magnetar flare detected from another galaxy was tracked to its home

    An outburst from the super magnetic remains of a star suggests similar eruptions are behind some of the most powerful explosions in the universe.

  4. Space

    The most ancient supermassive black hole is bafflingly big

    The farthest known quasar challenges ideas about how the first supermassive black holes in the universe formed.

  5. Space

    The Parker Solar Probe will have company on its next pass by the sun

    The probe is about to make another close pass of the sun. This time, Solar Orbiter, BepiColombo and others will be watching too.

  6. Astronomy

    The Milky Way’s central black hole may have turned nearby red giant stars blue

    A powerful blast from the supermassive black hole at the Milky Way’s center may explain the lack of large, red stars there.

  7. Astronomy

    Enormous X-ray bubbles balloon from the center of the Milky Way

    Images from the the eROSITA telescope reveal X-ray–emitting blobs surrounding gamma-ray bubbles.

  8. Space

    Here are 10 of Arecibo’s coolest achievements

    The now-defunct Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico made myriad discoveries over its 57-year run, including of pulsar planets and ice on Mercury.

  9. Space

    Why losing Arecibo is a big deal for astronomy

    The radio telescope at the Arecibo Observatory has collapsed, robbing scientists of a special tool for studying everything from asteroids to galaxies.

  10. Space

    December’s stunning Geminid meteor shower is born from a humble asteroid

    Most meteor showers arise from comets, but the robust Geminid shower comes from an asteroid, Phaethon, which scientists are still trying to figure out.

  11. Space

    Astronomers spotted colliding neutron stars that may have formed a magnetar

    Astronomers may have witnessed the formation of a kind of rapidly spinning, extremely magnetized stellar corpse for the first time.

  12. Space

    Runaway stars may create the mysterious ultraviolet glow around some galaxies

    Hot blue stars kicked out of their birthplace can travel thousands of light-years to their galaxies’ hinterlands, new computer simulations show.
