
  1. Astronomy

    Dust and a cold spell on Betelgeuse could explain why the giant star dimmed

    Scientists had two options to explain Betelgeuse’s weird behavior in late 2019. They chose both.

  2. Physics

    Gravitational waves confirm a black hole law predicted by Stephen Hawking

    The first black hole merger detected by LIGO affirms that the surface area of a black hole can increase over time, but not decrease.

  3. Space

    Most planets on tilted orbits pass over the poles of their suns

    Nearly all of the worlds on misaligned trajectories in other solar systems orbit at nearly 90 degrees to their stars’ equators.

  4. Astronomy

    An arc of galaxies 3 billion light-years long may challenge cosmology

    Dubbed “the Giant Arc,” the purported structure is much larger than expected in a cosmos where matter is thought to be evenly distributed.

  5. Astronomy

    Some fast radio bursts come from the spiral arms of other galaxies

    Tracking five brief, bright blasts of cosmic radio waves to their origins suggests their sources form quickly in regions with lots of star formation.

  6. Astronomy

    Record-breaking light has more than a quadrillion electron volts of energy

    Hundreds of newly detected gamma rays hint at cosmic environments that accelerate particles to extremes.

  7. Astronomy

    Watch this beautiful, high-resolution simulation of how stars are born

    The STARFORGE simulation follows a giant gas cloud as it collapses into new stars, accounting for all the phenomena thought to influence the outcome.

  8. Astronomy

    The Milky Way may have grown up faster than astronomers suspected

    Most of the galaxy’s disk was in place before a merger 10 billion years ago with a dwarf galaxy called Gaia-Enceladus/Sausage, a new study suggests.

  9. Astronomy

    A study of Earth’s crust hints that supernovas aren’t gold mines

    Supernovas aren’t the main source of gold, silver and other heavy elements, a study of deep-sea crust suggests.

  10. Space

    Planet-forming disks around stars may come preloaded with ingredients for life

    Methanol spotted around a hot, young star probably originated in interstellar space, suggesting some chemistry for life may start before stars form.

  11. Astronomy

    Saturn has a fuzzy core, spread over more than half the planet’s diameter

    Analysis of a wave in one of Saturn’s rings has revealed that the planet’s core is diffuse and bloated with lots of hydrogen and helium.

  12. Space

    A rare glimpse of a star before it went supernova defies expectations

    A hydrogen-free supernova in a nearby galaxy appears to have come from an unusual source.
