
  1. Astronomy

    Black hole shoved aside, along with ‘central’ dogma

    A new study has shoved aside the idea that supermassive black holes always reside smack-dab at the centers of their host galaxies.

  2. Astronomy

    Fast-moving star is a really big loser

    The cosmic bullies that sent 30 Doradus 016 reeling must be even bigger, possibly upping the theoretical maximum heft of today’s stars.

  3. Astronomy

    Hubble’s new instant classic

    NASA has released a stunning image of a nearby star-forming region to celebrate the telescope's 20th birthday.

  4. Astronomy

    Can you hear me now?

    Astronomers reconsider how extraterrestrials could make contact.

  5. Physics

    Hogan’s noise

    A cosmologist suggests a novel way to uncover the nature of spacetime on the smallest scales.

  6. Astronomy

    Saturn moon could be hospitable to life, new images suggest

    Cassini spacecraft sees evidence for liquid water beneath the surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus.

  7. Astronomy

    Black hole as a peephole

    The galaxy’s central supermassive black hole could smear light to reveal extra dimensions.

  8. Astronomy

    Astronomy Meeting Highlights

    Follow the links below for Science News' complete coverage of the American Astronomical Society meeting held January 3–7, 2010 in Washington, D.C.

  9. Space

    The Drake Equation Turns 50: An interview with Frank Drake

    The astronomer shares his name with the equation that quantifies the number of detectable civilizations in the Milky Way.

  10. Planetary Science

    Award named for late Science News writer

    Jonathan Eberhart's name lives on in a new planetary-sciences award.

  11. Astronomy

    MESSENGER captures new images of Mercury during a third passage

    MESSENGER flew past Mercury for a third time on September 29. The spacecraft's mission will continue, with MESSENGER due to settle into a yearlong orbit around Mercury in March 2011.

  12. Astronomy

    A damp moon: Water found inside and out

    The moon isn’t bone-dry: Its surface and interior contain an abundance of water, new studies reveal.
