
  1. Space

    Dark Matter meeting

    The latest science reveals few new answers on dark matter, but scientists hope for more from the Large Hadron Collider.

  2. Astronomy

    Stellar oddballs

    Kepler spacecraft finds much more than exoplanets.

  3. Astronomy

    Supermassive black hole rises and shines

    Astronomers may have witnessed the activation of a dormant supermassive black hole in a distant galaxy.

  4. Space

    Atom & Cosmos

    A world record for atom smashing, plus black hole threesomes, a volcanic Mars and more in this week’s news.

  5. Astronomy

    New study gives dark energy a boost

    Measurements provide further evidence for a cosmic push that is accelerating the expansion of the universe.

  6. Astronomy

    Supernova to superfluid

    Neutron stars, some of the densest objects in the universe, may be cooled by frictionless liquid sloshing in their cores.

  7. Space

    Atom & Cosmos

    Evidence gets stronger that Mars once held an ocean, plus more in this week’s news.

  8. Astronomy

    2010 Science News of the Year: Atom & Cosmos

  9. Space

    It came from another galaxy

    Extrasolar planet traces its origin outside the Milky Way to an ancient neighboring galaxy.

  10. Space

    Why Mars is a lightweight

    Two new models of the early solar system try to explain why the Red Planet failed to grow as large as Earth or Venus.

  11. Astronomy

    Black hole silhouettes

    Scientists attempt to image a shadow and its tumultuous ring.

  12. Astronomy

    Mars organics get new lease on life

    More than three decades after the Viking mission failed to find compounds necessary for carbon-based life, a new analysis suggests they could actually be present at detectable levels in the planet’s soil.
