
  1. Astronomy

    Distant planet an exotic water-world

    Orb is unlike anything in the solar system.

  2. Astronomy

    Gravitational lens

    grah-vih-TAY-shun-al LENZ n.

  3. Space

    Spacecraft captures dust from interstellar wind

    Measurements of the particles reveal clues about the composition of space beyond the solar system.

  4. Space

    Solar storm

    A solar flare sets off auroras around the Arctic Circle.

  5. Space

    More like Faux-malhaut b

    The Spitzer Space Telescope fails to find a visible planet circling where Hubble saw one four years ago.

  6. Astronomy

    Toasty planets circle stellar heart

    Roasted remains orbit former red giant.

  7. Space

    First Earth-sized planets netted

    The Kepler space telescope gets one step closer to its mission of discovering habitable worlds by finding two orbs of terrestrial proportions orbiting a distant sunlike star.

  8. Space

    Distant world looks too ripe for life

    The first extrasolar planet to be discovered in its star’s habitable zone is probably inhospitably hot.

  9. Space

    Distant world looks ripe for life

    Extrasolar planet hunt spots its most Earthlike orb yet.

  10. Astronomy

    Supernova may have kicked off solar system

    Force of explosion could explain chemical mysteries contained within asteroids.

  11. Space

    Mars’ history is a fluid situation

    Recent data from two spacecraft suggest the planet was mostly dry and cold, with a wet, warm subsurface.

  12. Space

    The Drake Equation: All in the family

    On November 1, the formula for estimating the abundance of extraterrestrial life in our galaxy celebrates its 50th birthday. It’s known as the Drake equation for its creator, Frank Drake, who is also my father.
