
  1. Astronomy

    The alien next door

    Newly discovered planet is just 4.4 light-years distant.

  2. Chemistry

    Solar blobs collide with a bounce

    Superhot ejections from the sun surprise physicists by gaining energy of motion in collision.

  3. Astronomy

    Cohabiting black holes challenge theory

    The observation of two stellar-mass objects in one globular cluster violates existing astrophysical dogma.

  4. Space

    Atom & Cosmos

    The gassy halo engulfing the Milky Way, a comet in the neighborhood, and extraterrestrial rocks as the source of life on Earth.

  5. Astronomy

    No companion in supernova debris

    Explosion probably resulted from two white dwarfs.

  6. Astronomy

    Curiosity goes to the flow

    Sent to Mars in search of water and other evidence of habitability, the rover appears to have landed in a dry streambed.

  7. Astronomy

    Team glimpses black hole’s secrets

    In the distant galaxy M87, new observations about structure’s rotational speed and jets show the potential of a budding telescope network.

  8. Planetary Science

    Voyager chasing solar system’s edge

    On the 35th anniversary of the spacecraft’s launch, scientists ponder when it will move beyond the sun’s reach.

  9. Space

    Another potentially habitable world emerges

    The newfound planet orbits a common type of dwarf star, suggesting even more may be out there.

  10. Space

    Highlights from the IAU Meeting

    A collection of reports from the 28th General Assembly of the International Astronomical Union, Beijing.

  11. Space

    Exoplanet pair orbits two stars

    The Kepler spacecraft catches two exoplanets around a binary star system, with one planet in the habitable zone.

  12. Astronomy

    Black hole’s annual feast begins

    Astronomers offer explanations for source of light around object with an unusual yearly behavior.
