
  1. Archaeology

    People may have lived in Brazil more than 20,000 years ago

    Stone Age humans left behind clues of their presence at a remote Brazilian rock shelter.

  2. Archaeology

    People may have lived in Brazil more than 20,000 years ago

    Stone Age humans left behind clues of their presence at a remote Brazilian rock shelter.

  3. Anthropology

    Fiery re-creations show how Neandertals could have easily made tar

    Neandertals could have made tar with simple methods and materials on hand, new experiments show.

  4. Archaeology

    Ancient mud documents the legacy of Rome’s lead pipes

    Researchers used lead levels in Rome’s ancient harbors to track lead pipe use and urbanization.

  5. Anthropology

    Some secrets of China’s terra-cotta army are baked in the clay

    Specialized production system lay behind the famous terra-cotta troops found in ancient Chinese emperor’s tomb.

  6. Anthropology

    Sacrificed dog remains feed tales of Bronze Age ‘wolf-men’ warriors

    Canine remnants of a possible Bronze Age ceremony inspire debate.

  7. Archaeology

    Humans first settled in Australia as early as 65,000 years ago

    Australia may have said “G’day” to humankind thousands of years earlier than previously believed.

  8. Genetics

    Dog domestication happened just once, ancient DNA study suggests

    DNA of ancient canines counters idea that dogs were domesticated twice, in Europe and Asia.

  9. Archaeology

    Copper in Ötzi the Iceman’s ax came from surprisingly far away

    Copper for the ancient Iceman’s blade traveled about 500 kilometers to his northern Italian home region.

  10. Archaeology

    Pin-drop test pops Greek amphitheater’s acoustic claims

    Analysis of an ancient Greek amphitheater’s ability to carry sounds reveals overblown tour guide claims.

  11. Anthropology

    Carved human skulls found at ancient worship center in Turkey

    Visitors to an ancient ritual site may have carved human skulls as part of ancestor worship.

  12. Archaeology

    Sound-reflecting shelters inspired ancient rock artists

    Ancient Europeans sought rock art sites where sounds carried.
