
  1. Plants

    50 years ago, a 550-year-old seed sprouted

    Old seeds can sprout new plants even after centuries of dormancy.

  2. Archaeology

    Laser mapping shows the surprising complexity of the Maya civilization

    A large-scale lidar survey of Guatemalan forests reveals evidence of ancient, interconnected Maya cities.

  3. Archaeology

    This South African cave stone may bear the world’s oldest drawing

    The Stone Age line design could have held special meaning for its makers, a new study finds.

  4. Genetics

    German skeletons hint that medieval warrior groups recruited from afar

    Graveyard finds may come from an ancient European warrior household with political pull.

  5. Science & Society

    Cheese found in an Egyptian tomb is at least 3,200 years old

    Solid cheese preserved in an ancient Egyptian tomb may be the world’s oldest.

  6. Archaeology

    The debate over people’s pathway into the Americas heats up

    Defenders of an ice-free inland passage for early Americans make their case.

  7. Anthropology

    Cremated remains reveal hints of who is buried at Stonehenge

    Ancient stone monument held burials of people from more than 200 kilometers away, a new study suggests.

  8. Anthropology

    Conflict reigns over the history and origins of money

    Thousands of years ago, money took different forms as a means of debt payment, archaeologists and anthropologists say.

  9. Anthropology

    How an ancient stone money system works like cryptocurrency

    Money has ancient and mysterious pedigrees that go way beyond coins.

  10. Archaeology

    Ötzi loaded up on fatty food before he died

    A new analysis provides a complete picture of what was in Ötzi the Iceman’s stomach when he died.

  11. Archaeology

    Texas toolmakers add to the debate over who the first Americans were

    Stone toolmakers inhabited Texas more than 16,000 years ago, before Clovis hunters arrived.

  12. Archaeology

    Stone tools put early hominids in China 2.1 million years ago

    Newly discovered stone tools in China suggest hominids left Africa 250,000 years earlier than we thought.
