
  1. Anthropology

    Monkey’s small brain shows surprising folds

    An ancient monkey’s tiny brain developed folds, raising questions about primate evolution.

  2. Psychology

    Music to just about everyone’s ears

    Common elements of music worldwide point to its central role in group cohesion.

  3. Animals

    When baboons travel, majority rules

    GPS study suggests baboons use simple rules to resolve travel disputes without leaders.

  4. Anthropology

    Kennewick Man’s DNA links him to present-day Native Americans

    Genetic analysis of Kennewick Man suggests that the ancient Pacific Northwest man was most closely related to modern Native Americans, not Polynesians.

  5. Anthropology

    Modern-day trackers reinterpret Stone Age cave footprints

    African trackers help researchers interpret ancient human footprints in French caves.

  6. Anthropology

    Human laugh lines traced back to ape ancestors

    Chimps make laughing faces that speak to evolution of human ha-ha’s.

  7. Archaeology

    Bronze Age humans racked up travel miles

    A new study indicates long journeys and unexpected genetic links in Bronze Age Eurasian cultures.

  8. Anthropology

    Neandertal bling and more reader feedback

  9. Anthropology

    Chimps prefer roasted potatoes, hinting at origins of cooking

    Chimps really dig roasted potatoes, suggesting cooking arose millions of years ago.

  10. Anthropology

    Double blow to skull is earliest evidence of murder, a 430,000-year-old whodunit

    A 430,000-year-old hominid skull shows signs of murder, making it the earliest suspected homicide.

  11. Humans

    Fossils suggest another hominid species lived near Lucy

    Fossil jaws dating to over 3 million years ago may add a new species to the ancient hominid mix.

  12. Archaeology

    Earliest known stone tools unearthed in Kenya

    East African discoveries suggest stone-tool making started at least 3.3 million years ago.
