
  1. Animals

    For some salamanders, finding a mate is a marathon

    Small-mouthed salamanders will travel close to nine kilometers on average to mate, a new study finds.

  2. Animals

    Chimps look at behinds the way we look at faces

    Humans demonstrate something called the inversion effect when gazing at faces. Chimpanzees do this too — when looking at other chimps’ butts.

  3. Animals

    Genome clues help explain the strange life of seahorses

    Researchers have decoded the genetic instruction manual of a seahorse (Hippocampus comes) and found clues to its nearly 104-million-year evolutionary history.

  4. Climate

    Year in review: Sea ice loss will shake up ecosystems

    Researchers are studying the complex biological consequences of polar melting and opening Arctic passageways.

  5. Animals

    Why crested penguins lay mismatched eggs

    After long migratory swims, crested penguins lay one small and one larger egg.

  6. Animals

    Why a mountain goat is a better climber than you

    For the first time, scientists have analyzed how a mountain goat climbs a cliff. Big muscles in the shoulder and neck help a lot, they find.

  7. Animals

    First spider superdads discovered

    Male spiders first known to give up solitary life for offspring care, often as a single parent.

  8. Astronomy

    Scientific success depends on finding light in darkness

    Editor in chief Eva Emerson discusses using cleverness and persistence to uncover scientific truths.

  9. Animals

    Plant-eating mammals sport bigger bellies than meat eaters

    Mammalian plant eaters have bigger torsos than meat eaters, a new analysis confirms, but the same might not have held true for dinosaurs.

  10. Animals

    Animals give clues to the origins of human number crunching

    Guppies, dogs, chickens, crows, spiders — lots of animals have number sense without knowing numbers.

  11. Oceans

    Coral die-off in Great Barrier Reef reaches record levels

    Bleaching has killed more than two-thirds of corals in some parts of the Great Barrier Reef, scientists have confirmed.

  12. Health & Medicine

    Low social status leads to off-kilter immune system

    Low social status tips immune system toward inflammation seen in chronic diseases, a monkey study shows.
