
  1. Animals

    ‘Cull of the Wild’ questions sacrificing wildlife in the name of conservation

    In his new book, ecologist Hugh Warwick seeks middle ground in the waging battle that is wildlife management.

  2. Anthropology

    Fossil finds amplify Europe’s status as a hotbed of great ape evolution

    A kneecap and two teeth belonged to the smallest known great ape, a study contends. If so, it’s the first to coexist with another great ape in Europe.

  3. Genetics

    Horses may have been domesticated twice. Only one attempt stuck

    Genetic evidence suggests that the ancestors of domestic horses were bred for mobility about 4,200 years ago.

  4. Health & Medicine

    Bird flu can infect cats. What does that mean for their people?

    Pet owners can take precautions to avoid H5N1, such as keeping cats indoors and making sure they don’t eat raw meat or milk.

  5. Animals

    A built-in pocket protector keeps sawfish from ‘sword fighting’ in the womb

    What’s to prevent pups, with a snout that resembles a hedge trimmer, from slicing and dicing each other in mom’s uterus? Scientists have the answer.

  6. Health & Medicine

    Human body lice could harbor the plague and spread it through biting 

    Rats and fleas previously got all the blame, but humans’ own parasites could be involved.

  7. Animals

    Sumatran orangutans start crafting their engineering skills as infants

    By 6 months old, young orangutans are experimenting with construction materials, and by 6 years old, they are building platforms 20 meters in the air.

  8. Health & Medicine

    Genetic analyses of the bird flu virus unveil its evolution and potential

    The H5N1 outbreak in cattle is giving flashbacks to the COVID pandemic. But this time is different.

  9. Paleontology

    How did an ancient shark parasite end up fossilized in tree resin?

    A worm preserved in 99-million-year-old amber resembles modern flatworms in shark intestines. The rare finding has scientists stumped.

  10. Animals

    Tiger beetles may weaponize ultrasound against bats

    In response to recordings of echolocating bats, tiger beetles emit noises that mimic toxic moths that bats avoid.

  11. Health & Medicine

    Cows might host both human and bird flus

    Both kinds of influenza viruses may break into cattle cells using receptors similar to those in people, wild birds and poultry.

  12. Animals

    Getting wild mosquitoes back to the lab alive takes a custom backpack

    The new low-tech transportation method could help scientists in Africa assess if malaria-carrying mosquitoes are resistant to a common insecticide.
