
  1. Life

    Fish eggs can hatch after being eaten and pooped out by ducks

    In the lab, a few carp eggs survived and even hatched after being pooped out by ducks. The finding may help explain how fish reach isolated waterways.

  2. Animals

    Dolphins can learn from peers how to use shells as tools

    While most foraging skills are picked up from mom, some bottlenose dolphins seem to look to their peers to learn how to trap prey in shells.

  3. Animals

    Barn owlets share food with their younger siblings in exchange for grooming

    Scientists weren’t sure why elder barn owlets would give away meals to their younger kin, a rare example of sibling cooperation in birds.

  4. Animals

    Larvaceans’ underwater ‘snot palaces’ boast elaborate plumbing

    Mucus houses have valves and ducts galore that help giant larvaceans extract food from seawater.

  5. Animals

    A nose-horned dragon lizard lost to science for over 100 years has been found

    It’s now known that a Modigliani’s lizard, first found in 1891 in Indonesia, is bright green but can shift shades like a chameleon.

  6. Life

    Fish poop exposes what eats the destructive crown-of-thorns starfish

    During population booms, crown-of-thorns can devastate coral reefs. Identifying predators of the coral polyp slurpers could help protect the reefs.

  7. Animals

    5 reasons you might be seeing more wildlife during the COVID-19 pandemic

    From rats and coyotes in the streets to birds in the trees, people are noticing more animals than ever during the time of the coronavirus.

  8. Life

    More ‘murder hornets’ are turning up. Here’s what you need to know

    Two more specimens of the world’s largest hornet have just been found in North America.

  9. Animals

    New species of scaly, deep-sea worms named after Elvis have been found

    A genetic analysis sheds new light on funky scale worms with glittery, scales reminiscent of sequins on the “The King’s” iconic jumpsuits.

  10. Life

    Pollen-deprived bumblebees may speed up plant blooming by biting leaves

    In a pollen shortage, some bees nick holes in tomato leaves that accelerate flowering, and pollen production, by weeks.

  11. Chemistry

    Here’s a clue to how this tube worm’s slime can glow blue for days

    Mucus oozed by a marine tube worm can glow for up to 72 hours. New results suggest that the light may sustain itself through some clever chemistry.

  12. Ecosystems

    Tapirs may be key to reviving the Amazon. All they need to do is poop

    Brazilian ecologist Lucas Paolucci is collecting tapir dung to understand how the piglike mammals may help restore degraded rain forests.
