
  1. Animals

    Vampire bats don’t learn from bad lunch

    For the first time, a mammal has flunked a controlled test for developing a food aversion after getting sick just once, and that unusual creature is the common vampire bat.

  2. Animals

    Flowers, not flirting, make sexes differ

    Thanks to lucky circumstances, bird researchers find rare evidence that food, not sex appeal, makes some male and female hummingbirds look different.

  3. Animals

    Sibling Desperado: Doomed booby chick turns relentlessly violent

    The first known case among nonhuman vertebrates of so-called desperado aggression—relentless attacks against an overwhelming force—may come from the underling chick in nests of brown boobies.

  4. Animals

    He and she cooperate on anti-aphrodisiacs

    Scientists have for the first time identified a chemical that serves as a butterfly anti-aphrodisiac.

  5. Animals

    Better Than Real: Males prefer flower’s scent to female wasp’s

    In an extreme case of sex fakery, an orchid produces oddball chemicals to mimic a female wasp's allure so well that males prefer the flower scent to the real thing.

  6. Animals

    One-Two Poison: Scorpion starts with a cheap shot

    A South African scorpion economizes as it stings, injecting a simple mix first, followed by a venom that's more complicated to produce.

  7. Animals

    Retaking Flight: Some insects that didn’t use it didn’t lose it

    Stick insects may have done what biologists once thought was impossible: lose something as complicated as a wing in the course of evolution but recover it millions of years later.

  8. Animals

    Cicada Subtleties

    What part of 10,000 cicadas screeching don't you understand?

  9. Animals

    Stalking Larvae: How an ancient sea creature grows up

    Scientists have finally observed living larvae of a sea lily, an ancient marine invertebrate related to starfish.

  10. Animals

    Camelid Comeback

    The future of vicuñas in South America and wild camels in Asia hinges on decisions being made now about their management.

  11. Animals

    Homing Lobsters: Fancy navigation, for an invertebrate

    Spiny lobsters are the first animals without backbones to pass tests for the orienteering power called true navigation.

  12. Animals

    Ant Traffic Flow: Raiding swarms with few rules avoid gridlock

    The 200,000 virtually blind army ants using a single trail to swarm out to a raid and return home with the booty naturally develop three traffic lanes, and a study now shows that simple individual behavior makes the pattern.
