
  1. Animals

    Killer mice hit seabird chicks

    A surveillance video shows a worrisome sight: house mice nibbling to death rare seabird chicks on a remote island breeding colony.

  2. Animals

    Too Few Jaws: Shark declines let rays overgraze scallops

    A shortage of big sharks on the U.S. East Coast is letting their prey flourish, and that prey is going hog wild, demolishing bay scallop populations.

  3. Animals

    Honey, I Ate the Kids

    Some of the most devoted parents in the animal kingdom routinely devour some of their own children.

  4. Animals

    It’s a Girl: Atlantic mystery squid undergoes scrutiny

    To scientists' surprise, a huge, deep-sea, gelatinous squid formerly reported only in the Pacific Ocean has turned up half a world away.

  5. Animals

    Mafia Cowbirds: Do they muscle birds that don’t play ball?

    A new test offers the best evidence yet that cowbirds retaliate against birds that resist their egg scams.

  6. Animals

    Snail Highways: By following trails, periwinkles save slime

    A snail that follows another snail's slimy path saves energy by not having to secrete so much mucus.

  7. Animals

    Science behind the Soap Opera

    Tight family groups of meerkats in Africa's arid lands offer a chance to see the costs, as well as the charms, of cooperation. With audio.

  8. Animals

    Bird Plans: Jays show foresight in breakfast menus

    The strongest evidence yet that animals plan ahead may come from western scrub jays preparing for their morning meals.

  9. Animals

    Perils of Migration: New evidence that bats stalk birds

    Big Mediterranean bats snatch migrating songbirds out of the night sky in spring and fall.

  10. Animals

    What’s Going on Down There?

    In a 10-year, global effort, researchers exploring the unknowns of marine life have found bizarre fish, living-fossil shrimp, giant microbes, and a lot of other new neighbors.

  11. Animals

    Do flies eat their sibs before birth?

    A tiny fly that parasitizes cicadas could be the first insect species that's recognized to practice prenatal cannibalism.

  12. Animals

    Glittering male seeks fluorescing female

    A tropical jumping spider needs ultraviolet light for courtship.
