
  1. Animals

    Hatch a Thief: Brains incline birds toward a life of crime

    When it comes to a bird family's propensity to pilfer, a larger than usual brain for a particular body size is more important than body size alone.

  2. Animals

    Female antelopes take the lead in courtship

    Topi antelopes, with their hesitant males, reverse the usual sex roles in mammal courtship.

  3. Animals

    Mr. Not Wrong: Not my species? Not a problem

    Female toads that accept mates of another species in tough times may be looking after their own interest.

  4. Animals

    Cousin Who? Gliding mammals may be primates’ nearest kin

    Two species of small, little-known rain forest mammals may be primates' closest living relatives.

  5. Animals

    Smells Funny: Fish schools break up over body odor

    Just an hour's swim in slightly contaminated water can give a fish such bad body odor that its schoolmates shun it.

  6. Animals

    Eat a Killer: Snake dines safely with strategic delays

    An Australian snake kills dangerous frogs then waits for their defensive chemicals to degrade before eating them.

  7. Animals

    Crowcam: Camera on bird’s tail captures bird ingenuity

    Video cameras attached to tropical crows record the birds' use of plant stems as tools to dig out food.

  8. Animals

    Tough-guy bluebirds need a frontier

    As western bluebirds recolonize Montana, the most aggressive males move in first, paving the way for milder-mannered dads to take over.

  9. Animals

    Not Your Ordinary Amphibians

    They resemble mondo worms or perhaps eels and snakes. But caecilians (seh sil yenz) are actually legless amphibians, and along with deep sea fishes are among the least well known vertebrates on the planet. Some run to a meter or more in length. Although information on these elusive animals and photos of them are hard […]

  10. Animals

    Honeybee mobs smother big hornets

    Honeybees gang up on an attacking hornet, killing it by blocking its breathing.

  11. Animals

    Hybrid Power: Salamander invader ups survival of rare cousin

    Mixed offspring of the endangered California tiger salamander and an invasive cousin survive better than either pure-bred species, raising tricky questions for conservationists.

  12. Animals

    Fish Switch: Salmon make baby trout after species, sex swap

    Salmon implanted with trout reproductive tissue bred to produce a generation of normal rainbow trout.
