Fruity whiff may inspire new mosquito repellents
Odors from ripening bananas can jam fruit flies’ and mosquitoes’ power to detect carbon dioxide, a new study finds.
By Susan Milius -
Back off, extinct moa
A New Zealand tree’s peculiar leaves may have served as defenses against long-gone giant birds.
By Susan Milius -
Vocal abilities lost, found and drowned out
Reports from the meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union
By Susan Milius -
Rapid evolution may be reshaping forest birds’ wings
Logging during the last century might have driven birds in mature boreal forests toward pointier wings while reforestation in New England led to rounder wings.
By Susan Milius -
SOS: Call the ants
Emergency ant workers bite at snares, dig and tug to free trapped sisters
By Susan Milius -
Tool use to crow about
A pair of new studies indicates that crows can employ tools in advanced ways, including using stones to displace water in a container and manipulating three sticks in sequence to reach food.
By Bruce Bower -
Death-grip fungus made me do it
Infection may be driving ants to set their jaws in low-hanging leaves before they die.
By Susan Milius -
Of mice and men
Rapid anatomical changes in rodents linked to increases in human population density, precipitation.
By Sid Perkins -
New HIV-1 group
Scientists have identified another variant of the virus that can cause AIDS.
Bent innards give orchid its kick
Violent pollen delivery in Catasetum flowers gets its power from temporarily deformed inner strip
By Susan Milius -
Fossil shows first all-American honeybee
Nevada find contradicts long-held view of Europe and Asia as the native land of all honeybees.
By Susan Milius -
Toucan’s bill gives big chill
Bird’s supersized bill can switch personal air conditioning on and off, new research suggests.
By Susan Milius