
  1. Animals

    Common pesticides change odds in ant fights

    Species’ combat success can rise or fall after repeated exposure to a common neonicotinoid insecticide.

  2. Science & Society

    Humans’ living creations put on display

    The Center for PostNatural History, a museum that opened in 2012, features Freckles and other organisms altered by humans.

  3. Animals

    Frog-eating bats trust self first when hunting

    The mammals listen to cues from fellow bats when their own resources fail.

  4. Genetics

    Dog clone genome nearly identical to donor DNA

    The genetic material of Snuppy and of his donor, Tai, is nearly identical.

  5. Environment


    Readers respond to "Solving soot," trade-offs of horn size for male Soay sheep and the huge galactic explosion story from 50 years ago.

  6. Life

    Good news for giant pandas

    The animal’s immune system has higher than expected genetic diversity, which could lead to better breeding programs.

  7. Animals

    The colorful lives of squid

    Your calamari, it turns out, may have come from a temporary transvestite with rainbows in its armpits.

  8. Animals

    Mama bird tells babies to shut up, danger is near

  9. Animals

    Amphibian killer forces immune-cell suicides

    Fungal menace to frogs and their kin shuts down key parts of the animals’ defenses.

  10. Animals

    Eliminating prairie dogs can lead to desertification

  11. Animals

    Young chimps catch human yawns

    Juvenile chimps yawn contagiously when they see humans do it, a response that could signal the animals are developing empathy.

  12. Animals

    Lurking males lead to hard-to-fertilize mouse eggs

    Mixed-sex society raises resistance to sperm in what may be a long-running arms race between the sexes over fertilization.
