
  1. Archaeology

    Animal mummies were a message direct to the gods

    A new theory about the purpose of animals mummified by ancient Egyptians proposes that the cats, ibises and other dead critters were more than just simple sacrifices.

  2. Animals

    Flightless birds face extinction

    New Zealand’s flightless birds have limped through the last few decades, but conservation efforts have had some success.

  3. Animals

    Smoker’s breath saves caterpillars’ lives

    Larvae of the tobacco hornworm caterpillar exhale nicotine, driving away predatory spiders.

  4. Plants


    A cellular part such as a light-harvesting chloroplast that an organism takes from algae it has eaten.

  5. Animals

    Unusual new species names of 2013

    Here are five species with tongue-twister titles.

  6. Animals

    Year in Review: Odd cicada history emerges

    Brood II returns better understood.

  7. Animals

    Year in Review: Canine genealogy

    Competing clues confuse the story of dog domestication.

  8. Animals

    A year of rediscovered species

    Thousands of species go extinct each year, but at least a few are found after many years of being lost.

  9. Animals

    African frog conceals itself with chemicals

    Two small peptides keep the West African savanna frog from being stung by ants.

  10. Animals

    Penguin huddles move like traffic jams

    When one emperor penguin takes a step, he sets off a wave of movement.

  11. Animals

    New species of tapir found in the Amazon

    A sixth species of the large, snouted mammal was hiding in plain sight, well known by indigenous people.

  12. Animals

    Snake and lizard ancestor may have birthed live young

    Over millions of years, reptiles may have switched back and forth between laying eggs and giving birth to live babies.
