
  1. Environment

    Prestige oil spill linked to drop in seabird chicks

    European shag in colonies affected by the 2002 Prestige oil tanker spill produced fewer chicks than birds in oil-free colonies.

  2. Animals

    Abandoned frog eggs can hatch early

    If their father doesn’t keep them hydrated, frog embryos react by hatching early.

  3. Genetics

    Y chromosome gets a closer examination

    The Y chromosome may play a larger role in Turner syndrome and in health and disease differences between males and females than previously thought.

  4. Animals

    A guide to the world’s biggest flightless birds

    A rhea on the loose in England has prompted warnings about approaching the bird. From ostriches to cassowaries, here’s your guide to friendly and unfriendly big birds.

  5. Animals

    Frustrated fish get feisty

    Smaller rainbow trout become more aggressive towards bigger fish when they don’t their usual treats.

  6. Animals

    Secrets of a sailfish attack

    The large, long-nosed sailfish use their rostrums more like a sword than a spear to attack prey.

  7. Animals

    Dolphins use sponges to dine on different grub

    The animals can learn to use tools to exploit food sources that would be otherwise unavailable, a study suggests.

  8. Genetics

    Rainbow trout genome shows how genetic material evolved

    The finding challenges the idea that whole genome duplications are followed by quick, massive reorganization and deletions of genetic material.

  9. Animals

    Submariners’ ‘bio-duck’ is probably a whale

    First acoustic tags on Antarctic minke whales suggest the marine mammals are the long-sought source of the mysterious bio-duck sound.

  10. Life

    Cheetahs, but not wild dogs, manage to live with lions

    One conservation tenet says that cheetahs can’t survive when lions are around, but it’s wild dogs that disappeared in one lion-dense area of the Serengeti.

  11. Animals

    Little thylacine had a big bite

    A reconstruction of the skull of a thylacine, an extinct, fox-sized Australian marsupial, reveals that the animal could have eaten prey much larger than itself.

  12. Climate


    Readers discuss the influence of clouds on climate, how to treat addiction and which human-made hazards are the biggest bird-killers.
