
  1. Animals

    Little thylacine had a big bite

    A reconstruction of the skull of a thylacine, an extinct, fox-sized Australian marsupial, reveals that the animal could have eaten prey much larger than itself.

  2. Climate


    Readers discuss the influence of clouds on climate, how to treat addiction and which human-made hazards are the biggest bird-killers.

  3. Tech

    To do: Exhibits to explore this May in D.C. and New York

    Events include a celebration of science and original watercolor paintings from John James Audubon.

  4. Animals

    How a chimp goes mattress hunting

    Chimpanzees prefer firm beds made of ironwood, a new study finds.

  5. Animals

    Most extreme female penis is found on cave lice

    Female penis, male vagina have been discovered in tiny Brazilian insects.

  6. Animals

    Scent of a fruit fly larva comes from its gut microbes

    Microbes in the guts of fly larvae produce smells that attract fruit flies.

  7. Microbes

    One giant leap for zit-causing microbes

    A bacterium that lives on humans and causes acne also hopped to domesticated grapevines and relies on the plant for crucial DNA repairs.

  8. Paleontology

    Fish gill fossils gnaw at ideas of jaw evolution

  9. Climate

    Reef fish act drunk in carbon dioxide–rich ocean waters

    In first test in the wild, fish near reefs that bubble with CO2 lose fear of predators’ scent.

  10. Oceans

    The surprising life of a piece of sunken wood

    Timber and trees that wash out to sea and sink to the bottom of the ocean hold a diverse community of organisms.

  11. Animals

    Lionfish grow wary after culling

    Efforts to control invasive lionfish could make them more difficult to catch.

  12. Life

    In a crisis, fruit flies do stunt turns

    An elaborate monitoring system reveals that fruit flies can execute sophisticated flying maneuvers in the face of danger.
