
  1. Animals

    Winter road salting reshapes next summer’s butterflies

    Winter road salt treatments boost sodium in roadside plants and alter development for monarch butterflies.

  2. Animals

    Deadly bat disease gets easier to diagnose

    White-nose syndrome in bats can be spotted with UV light, scientists have found.

  3. Paleontology

    Preserved pterosaur eggs hint at reptile’s social life

    The first 3-D pterosaur eggs, which were found in China, suggest that the flying reptiles laid eggs together.

  4. Animals

    Bird dropping disguise proves to be effective camouflage

    Several species of spiders and other animals mimic bird poop.

  5. Genetics

    Wool pulled from sheep’s genetic code

    Sheep's genetic sequence, comprised of 2.6 billion base pairs, offers clues to how the animals maintain extra woolly coats and when they evolved from other livestock.

  6. Life

    Hatcheries’ metal can disrupt steelhead magnetic sense

    Growing up in magnetic fields distorted by pipes and electronics confounds young fish’s inherited map sense.

  7. Animals

    Why tree-hugger koalas are cool

    Drooping against bark during a heat wave could save koalas from overheating.

  8. Genetics

    Blind mole-rats are loaded with anticancer genes

    Genes of the long-lived blind mole-rat help explain how the animal evades cancer and why it lost vision.

  9. Animals

    Beware the pregnant scorpion

    Female striped bark scorpions are pregnant most of the time. That makes them fat, slow and really mean.

  10. Animals

    Indian frogs kick up their heels

    Some new species impress a potential mate with a dance.

  11. Animals

    Pets’ rights explored in ‘Citizen Canine’

    Science journalist David Grimm describes pet's progression towards full citizenship.

  12. Animals


    Tiny footlike protrusions that enable a cell to invade neighboring tissues.
